EA/DICE have been trying very hard to save Battlefield 2042. Since its release in November last year, things have only really been getting worse - sure, those initial glitches and bugs might have been ironed out, but people are still far from happy with it. Despite statements on dev blog posts promising that substantial changes and improvements are on the way, the player numbers have been dwindling fast for months.
Now, things have somehow sunk even further than ever before. As reported by ComicBook, the game just broke a new record with its number of concurrent Steam players… for the lowest amount it’s ever seen, that is. Looking at these figures, you have to wonder how long it’ll be before people are genuinely struggling to find any matches at all, because this is abysmal.
You could definitely argue that Battlefield 2042 is a fail in and of itself, but be sure to take a look at some other funny fails from the game while you're here.
The number was recorded over on Steam Charts, and showed that the game finally fell to triple digit territory, and went below 1000 players for the first time. To be precise, just 976 people were playing at one point yesterday, which is a little sad, actually.
Keep in mind though that this number only accounts for people playing on PC - there’s certainly going to be more playing on consoles, but there’s no real way to judge those numbers for certain. To put it into perspective though, the game peaked at 100,590 concurrent players on Steam around when it was released, so that drop-off is huge. I wonder how many of those got a refund?
Despite all this, the devs are still trying to persevere to make Battlefield 2042 at least a bit better than it already is, but that’s not been going down great, either. Last week, players were asked for their feedback on the game over on the EA forums, which as you’d expect, invited a lot of frustration. People took the opportunity to ask for fixes and adjustments to problems that have been plaguing the game since the start, but were riled up even more when the response given was “these are items we are reviewing, but there are no active development plans locked for those just yet”.
One of the big changes that is apparently being considered at the minute is halving the size of 128-player lobbies, which let’s face it, if the player count is getting so low, might end up being a necessity.
Topics: Battlefield 2042, Battlefield, EA, Dice