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Batman: Arkham City has one of gaming's best stories, fans say

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Batman: Arkham City has one of gaming's best stories, fans say

Does Batman: Arkham City have one of the best stories?

It's well known that the Batman Arkham games are held up as a brilliant trilogy respected by may players and critics alike. Over on Reddit, one player visted to the r/gaming subreddit to post they had just finished Batman: Arkham City and considered it "short but sweet".

This sparked a wave of fans jumping in to discuss how much they love the game and how its story is one of the best in gaming.

The Arkham games are still considered some of the best superhero games ever

The top reply on the thread comes from u/Pozzg saying "That's why Arkham City is my favorite in the series. It has the best story and ending." Each entry in the trilogy garners fans for different reasons and while the first game, Batman: Arkham Asylum is usually favoured because it was the originator, some prefer the story of Batman: Arkham City.

"Joker has had a lot of different portrayals across the years, and the Arkham Asylum + City ones were some of my favorite." says the user u/Snoo61755 with several other Redditors jumping in to praise the portrayal of Joker in City. "Joker singing "Only You" is one of the greatest moments I've had in a game. Actually emotional - the story of their relationship is so well told in the game." said u/Alz_Dee, agreeing with previous comments.

There are plenty of players who place the Arkahm games in the same bracket of quality as the Batman Animated Series due to the voice cast, plus the deeper stories into Batman's cast of villains. One Redditor focused on this saying "I’ve always viewed the Arkham games to be PG-13 sequels to the animated series, or at the least animated universe if it had always been PG-13, and the voice acting cast simply solidifies my feeling."

It would be great to see the Batman Arkham games continue on after Rocksteady are finished with Suicide Squad which is due out in 2024.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Batman, DC