Baldur’s Gate 3 sex speedrunners received a huge blow recently, as a new patch has completely changed the parameters for sleeping with one of the NPCs.
There’s no denying that Baldur’s Gate 3 is a strange game. On the surface, it’s your standard RPG heavily inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll find the game mechanics allow for some bizarre playthroughs.
Check out Baldur's Gate 3 below.
Aside from some players attempting to kill every NPC in the game, there are others who have devoted hours of their time to banging any or all NPCs in the shortest time possible.
Can’t say it’s a surprise, after all, Baldur’s Gate 3 has to be one of the most sexually charged games released in recent years, and a celebration of kinks in almost every way.
Unfortunately, the sex speedrun community received the disappointing news that their current strategies to bang certain NPCs as quickly as they could have become obsolete, thanks to a new way to unlock in-game lovemaking.
As reported by Push Square, one of the changes included in the game’s recent patch reads: "For Lae'zel to decide to romance you, you no longer only need to gain high enough approval from her. You must also have proven yourself worthy through your actions."
Speedrunners were devastated, as Lae'zel is quite a popular choice for in-game partners, largely because she’s one of the easiest characters to develop a physical relationship with.
Prior to the update, all you’d have to do for a roll in the hay with Lae'zel was reach high approval, which is pretty easy to get, but now players will have to put that little bit of extra work in which will likely add on a few precious minutes to the speedrun clock.
It’s not entirely clear what actions will prove your worthiness to her, meaning there’s still hope of getting some world records, provided most of them can be achieved without too much effort.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is currently playable on PC and PlayStation 5, but will soon arrive on Xbox later this year.
Topics: Baldur's Gate 3