Marvel fans have taken to social media to lament a particularly silly continuity mistake in 2018's Avengers: Infinity War.
The penultimate Avengers adventure (for now) is widely regarded as one of the MCU's best movies. Not only did it manage to make good on the promise of Thanos as a genuinely terrifying threat after nearly a decade of build-up, but it brought together over a dozen different heroes in a story that never lost momentum. And that ending. Oh god, that ending.
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Unfortunately, one fan spotted something they can never un-see during a scene between Spidey (Tom Holland) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)
After sneaking onto the ship bound for Thanos in an attempt to help Iron Man and the kidnapped Doctor Strange, Peter Parker attempts to justify his decision to a disapproving Stark.
“You can’t be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighbourhood,” Peter argues.
The film then cuts briefly to a confused/angry Stark before cutting back to Peter, who admits: “Okay, so, that didn’t make sense, but you know what I’m trying to say.”
But as Twitter user @lesbobomb pointed out during a recent rewatch of Infinity War, Peter's hairstyle changes, quite drastically, between shots. It's possible that this second line was added during reshoots, of course, but it's not the kind of continuity blunder you'd expect to see in a multi-million dollar picture.
"Currently re-watching infinity war and I'll never be able to unsee Peter's sudden change of hairstyle," they wrote.
It's certainly not the kind of thing you notice until you notice it. But once you've noticed it? You can never not notice it. While it seems like the OP wasn't particularly bothered by this blunder, finding it more entertaining than anything, others took it as a welcome chance to tear into Marvel.
"Why is Marvel so low effort about these really basic fundamental things lol," one user wrote. "Like, would it have been THAT hard to reference the non-reshoot rushes to make sure that the lighting/blocking/hairstyling/eyeline matched your new shots?"
“You’ve absolutely ruined it for me now,” a second responded.
"'You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood' is the perfect kind of cheesy shit Spider-Man could have said in any comic in the last 50 years," another observed. "Why did they have to f***ing ruin the moment?"
Let's all agree never to watch Infinity War again. Because that's no less than those good-for-nothing filmmakers deserve for RUINING the movie, right? Right.
Topics: Marvel, Spider Man, Disney