If two's company, and three's a crowd, then what's four and five? If you answered "nine," well done for being a smart alec and I'm sure everyone loves inviting you to things. With that being said, a report is claiming that Ubisoft is working on four unannounced Assassin's Creed games, which is bold when you think that it has just cancelled three other projects.
At the start of the year, Ubisoft held an emergency meeting with investors to inform them that 2022's sales were catastrophically low compared to its expectations, and as a result, three games would be binned. This is of course tragic for those who had been assigned these due to the loss of their hard work over the years and the publisher aims to slash costs by $215 million over the next two years.
Presently, there are four Assassin's Creed games in the works - Mirage, Codename Red, Codename Hexe and Codename Jade. Red and Jade tick the boxes for a lot of longtime fans, being set in feudal Japan and ancient China, however this scoop that there are even more entries is very interesting.
Check out the trailer for Assassin's Creed Mirage below:
Insider Gaming cuts to the chase in its report, claiming that there's already a sequel to Nexus. That's the one from Ubisoft Red Storm Entertainment, being a VR title starring Ezio, Kassandra and Connor. Then, Ubisoft Sofia is said to be working on Project Nebula, allegedly taking the player to three different periods and locations in India, the Mediterranean and the Aztec Empire.
Ubisoft Annecy has its nose to the grindstone on the multiplayer Project Echoes entry and Ubisoft Chengdu is chipping away at Project Raid, which is apparently a free-to-play four player co-operative title featuring PvE and multiple established Assassin's Creed characters.
And as a bonus, Insider Gaming's sources stated that Codename Red is in a strong position already offering two playable characters and significant focus on stealth. Right now, it's worth taking this report with a pinch of salt, seeing that Ubisoft isn't in the greatest shape and hasn't confirmed that this is its new steer to buoy itself out of this financial lull.
Topics: Ubisoft, Assassins Creed