Over the years, Call of Duty has introduced a lot of maps to its multiplayer mode. Some have been very successful and memorable, while others have created ire in the community.
One map has always had fans excited due to its verticality and tight quarters. That map, as defined by the community, is Rust. Rust is an iconic map in the deserts of Urzikstan for Modern Warfare 3, it's small, features a clear path around the outskirts and lots of shipping containers to take cover.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 brought Rust back to multiplayer
Players love Rust for several reasons, but chief among them seems to be the tower in the centre of the map. It has several access points, can be used for sniping and sharpshooting, plus the gangways are small enough that when meeting another player up there the gunfight becomes a coin flip.
With the Modern Warfare games maps like Rust can shine for even more reasons, especially when it comes to levelling up your players account and your weapons. When levelling quickly, players want to be able to jump in, frag fast, get out and start again. It's the most efficient way to level up those guns and unlock important attachments. Rust quickly became one of those maps, alongside Shipment.
A Reddit thread from a few years ago highlights some of the community's thoughts on the map saying "Rust was a good map for 1v1 bc MW2 only had a few small maps (excluding DLCs). And the Intervention quickscoping and trickshotting was huge back then, so why not?" This still stands today. Some of the best moments happen on Rust, whether that's a series of quickscoping kills or a run-and-gun killstreak around the outside of the map. And as the community is still insistent on challenging others to a 1v1, Rust will always be there to host these fights.
Topics: Call Of Duty, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare 3