Kick streamer Felix 'xQc' Lengyel has been on the hunt for a one-of-a-kind Magic: The Gathering card, spending thousands in the search.
Recently, Magic: The Gathering released a collaboration with The Lord Of The Rings, introducing a variety of new cards based on popular characters from the franchise. Out of all the cards featured in the set, however, one is destined to rule them all, none other than the One Ring card. This card is quite literally one-of-a-kind, with only one copy of it being in existence and we have no clue as to its whereabouts.
Due to its rarity, the card’s value was originally worth $1 million but that has only grown in value since no one has found it yet. The card’s incredible price tag hasn’t deterred streaming superstar xQc from relentlessly attempting to track it down, with fans drawing similarities between the streamer and the LOTR character Gollum, who’s also obsessed with the ring.
On a recent stream, xQc dropped over $9,000 on Magic: The Gathering collector booster boxes, which sell for $500 each but contain 12 card packs per box. After opening pack after pack after pack, he was, unfortunately, unable to find the card he was looking for but hasn’t given up his search entirely.
He’s not the only one though, as several other streamers and collectors have publicly announced bounties for the card, ranging from $100,000 all the way up to $2 million. It’s unclear if anyone has actually found it yet, or if it’s still hiding in an unopened pack somewhere.
Honestly, the best ending to this story would be someone finding the card and throwing it into a volcano, which is unlikely, but would be very fitting given the reputation and story of the One Ring.
In other news, xQc recently jumped from his previous domain, Twitch, to Kick after a $70 million deal, which he almost squandered after narrowly avoiding a ban for streaming a film.
Topics: The Lord Of The Rings, Twitch, Real Life