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Xbox just added more classic PS1 games in one go than the PS5 currently has

Xbox just added more classic PS1 games in one go than the PS5 currently has

Is the Xbox the go-to for PS1 games?

At some point in our lives, many of us can enjoy a trip down memory lane whether it be a favourite holiday spot, a family occasion or a beloved movie.

When it comes to nostalgic trips, video games are no exception. It’s why we keep hold of cherished retro games and consoles or digitally revisit a video game via backwards compatibility on PlayStation or Xbox.

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Leading the way over its console competitor, for years Xbox has been showing PlayStation how it's done. Ever since the Xbox 360, the green brand has offered its gamers the choice to revisit their favourite games of the previous generation. However, now we’re into the Xbox Series X|S era, gamers can go back and play a huge selection of backwards-compatible games from Xbox One, Xbox 360 and of course, the 2001 original.

What’s more, Xbox gamers can now take advantage of the Antstream Arcade subscription service which features over 1,400 games from the NES, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, the PS1 and much more. Yes, you read that correctly. You can play PS1 games on Xbox. In fact, thanks to Antsream Arcade, the Xbox will soon have more PS1 games than either the PS4 or PS5. Who would have thought?

At the time of writing, Antsream Arcade only has two PS1 games, 40 Winks and Loaded, but a lot more will be added at a later date over the next several weeks and beyond. So if Sony won’t add the entire classic Resident Evil trilogy, the classic Tomb Raider games or OG Silent Hill anytime soon, it looks like it will be the Xbox to save the day.

That’s not to say that the PS4 or PS5 consoles don’t have classic PS1 games to play, because it most certainly does via the PS Plus Premium service, but at this time, Sony doesn't appear to be in much of a rush to put out as many of its retro games as possible.

Hopefully, if Anstream Arcade proves to be a success and it doesn't get pulled from the Xbox service, Sony might actually pull its fingers out.

Featured Image Credit: Sony/Microsoft

Topics: PlayStation, Xbox, Retro Gaming

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