It’s been a, let’s say, interesting week for the developers over at CD Projekt Red. Up to now, fans have been full of praise for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s new-gen update but a recent cursed discovery has left many feeling a little, well, disturbed.
One player discovered that The Witcher 3’s new-gen update had introduced realistic vaginas into the game. It’s not the vagina itself that’s disturbing - that’s just anatomy. It’s the thought that someone decided this was an important level of detail in a video game. Previously, female characters had a Barbie-esque crotch. In other words, a plain ol’ patch of nothing. That’s now been replaced with a weirdly detailed vagina but devs claim they’re working to tone down the nudity.
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Following the discovery of the realistic vaginas, CD Projekt Red confirmed that the detail was added by accident. Previously, realistic vaginas were only available in-game via downloading fan mods. I’m not going to even try and understand why anyone would want to create or download such a mod, but they did.
It turns out, the vaginas featured in the new-gen update were indeed fan-created. In a statement, CDPR confirmed this fact and expressed that they’re working to remove the mod. They said, “The next-gen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt features several community-sourced mods not created by CD Projekt Red, on top of numerous enhancements created and implemented by the studio internally. Merging everything together was a complex process and the textures in question are an unintended result present in the release version. This is something we are working to address.”
It sounds like the vaginas will be patched out in an upcoming update, which is a sentence that sounds utterly bizarre out of context. I think we’ll all be thrilled to put this saga behind us.
Topics: The Witcher, The Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red