In October of last year, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II had a historic launch - the most successful launch in the franchise’s history in fact. It’s no surprise then that when Warzone 2.0 landed in the following month - the successor to the wildly popular original Warzone - there was a lot of hype. That hype was fulfilled, for a time, but oh my. Things have taken a turn.
Warzone 2.0’s proximity chat went down a storm, and players got pretty creative with it. One player was able to trick others into turning their consoles off, while another offered out free taxi rides. In the following months though, fans were left unimpressed by a series of lacklustre updates with some players even threatening to boycott both Warzone 2.0 and MWII. A recent poll revealed that 80% of Warzone 2.0 players no longer regularly play the title and now, the player count has fallen to a staggering low.
Take a look at Warzone 2.0 in action below.
As reported by CharlieIntel, Warzone 2.0’s player count has massively fallen on Steam. If you take a look at the Steam Charts, the title has an all-time peak of 488,897. In the last 24 hours though, the peak sat at just 86,043. At the time of writing, just 46,799 players have been online in the last few minutes. As pointed out by Reddit user coone90, this is “the largest decrease since the premiere” of the game.
With the current player count, Warzone 2.0 is failing to place in the top 10 on the Steam Charts. In the comments section, players explained why they’d stepped away from the game. UltraEagle7 wrote, “Ranked is almost unplayable because of the cheating,” while MrRobot759 added, “[You] can blame the strict SBMM sucking the fun out of multiplayer, as well as the questionable design decisions such as the perk system, no red dots, dead silence, and weak and uninspiring kill streaks.”
Educational_Fig_8459 said, “Not surprised, the game is a soulless money grab.” Harsh. Many other players added that they only play on weekends. It certainly looks as if Warzone 2.0 could do with a refresh.
Topics: Call Of Duty Warzone, Activision, Call Of Duty