It is hard to believe that we are rapidly approaching ten years since the last Uncharted entry but despite the decade-long hiatus, Naughty Dog is seemingly in no rush to bring us Uncharted 5.
First released in 2007 with Uncharted, the action-adventure series by Naughty Dog has become a cornerstone of gaming with Nathan Drake becoming something of a household name alongside fellow adventurer Lara Croft.
Check out the trailer for the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection below!
Consisting of eight games altogether but four of them being main entries, the Uncharted series has gone from strength to strength over the past twenty years with its most recent entry, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End being released back in 2016.
However, with Naughty Dog working on releasing multiple remasters for The Last of Us as well as announcing its brand-new IP Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, it would seem as though the studio is pushing the Uncharted series to the back burner.
Despite fans being unhappy about it, they are still holding out hope that Uncharted 5 will be released one day but if it is, who could replace Nathan Drake if he wasn’t to return?
That very discussion kicked off a few years back over on r/uncharted with one user asking, “If Nathan doesn’t return for Uncharted 5, who would you like to be the main character?”
The question was posted alongside three potential candidates: Sam Drake, Chloe Frazer or Cassie Drake.
Each of these choices would make sense, especially Cassie carrying on her father’s legacy but as you can imagine, fans had their own thoughts on our next protagonist.
The top comment by l0gicowl read, “Chloe. I'd love to see a game featuring her, Cutter, and Sully as the main cast.”
Lady_Gaysun added, “They said Nathan's story is done, so if they make more Uncharted I have a feeling we would see more Sam, if Troy would say yes.
I'd honestly love any of them to return, I'd adore the legacy-trio to save the world some more.”
However, Wolf_Sis4evr believes the series should end with Nathan.
They said, “I honestly don't think they should touch the games again.
I think it's perfect to leave the way it is unless you want more from Chloe and Nadine and Sam.”
It remains to be seen if Naughty Dog will continue the Uncharted series, and if so, with who at the helm but for now, we can look forward to its brand-new IP coming soon.
Topics: Uncharted, Naughty Dog