The Witcher fandom is a complicated one. Although many sing the praises of the video game adaptations, those same fans aren’t convinced about The Witcher show. Now that Henry Cavill has left, they’re even less sure.
Ever since Cavill announced he was leaving Netflix’s The Witcher, the show just hasn’t felt the same – and we’ve not even seen his replacement in action yet. That discomfort has grown since the awkward footage explaining Cavill’s departure appeared online.
Then, as if that wasn’t painful enough, the producers behind the show have told everyone they had to dumb down the plot for Americans; I’m not an American, but I’m insulted on their behalf. We’re not saying such criticism of the fandom has contributed to how fans feel right now, but it’s surely played a part in roughly 80 percent of them declaring they won’t watch the show.
Mainly, the refusal to engage is due to Cavill’s departure, but still, that must come as gutting news for Netflix. Yet, we suspect people will tune in, at least initially, to see how Liam Hemsworth plays the part. Curiosity killed the cat, and all that.
Maybe The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep will redeem Netflix?
Some claim that you can’t be a “real fan” if you’re not going to watch just because the cast has changed, however, that argument isn’t holding up against the sea of anger aimed at Netflix’s depiction of the show.
“Literally the reason he's leaving is that they're going off script from the Witcher lore,” explained one fan. Another then claimed that anyone supporting Netflix is a “Netflix fan” rather than a The Witcher one.
We’re interested to see how the fandom fares once the next season of The Witcher begins, though we expect the discourse to pick up to ridiculous levels as fans argue over the missing lore, how bad Helmsworth is for the role, and why the video games are superior.
Topics: The Witcher, The Witcher 3, Netflix, TV And Film, CD Projekt Red