When it comes to casting beloved characters from popular franchises, there will always be disagreements. However, it’s fair to say that few potential castings have split fan opinion quite like The Last of Us’ Dina.
The TLOU season two casting choices have already sent shocks through the fandom with the leaked Abby casting decision; it’s not that the actress in question isn’t a brilliant actor, but rather certain fans have a very specific image of Abby in their heads. This issue of appearances being set in stone is what's dogging the rumours that Iman Vellani will play Dina in season two.
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Visually speaking, Vellani is a solid match. However, as some have vehemently argued, there’s more to casting choices than looks alone. “Nope. There's more to casting than physical similarities and Dina's Jewish heritage is pretty important to her character,” explains Redditor albumasap.
This was met with someone asking if the poster understood “how acting works” – we think they do. However, as ki700 reminds the sarcastic fan, “In the modern age of representation on screen, it would be pretty controversial to not cast a Jewish woman to play Dina.” Although acting is all about assuming a role, there are ways to assume that role that are respectful to the cultures, ideologies, and sexualities being portrayed.
Sadly, the question of whether a Jewish actress should play the role has opened up an unsightly debate on Reddit, with some truly ignorant of the significance of who plays Dina’s role. “Hot take: but the actress should be a Mizrahi Jewish woman, as Dina’s Jewishness is an essential part of her character,” reasons scarlettvvich. “I love Iman and her role as Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan, but just as Ms. Marvel got an authentically ethnic actor portraying her, so does Dina deserve.”
The original The Last of Us is such an iconic game for PlayStation players, with many heralding it as one of the best PS exclusives ever made. With such a passionate fandom, it’s understandable that tensions are running high over who will play certain roles in the HBO series. However, until HBO confirms Abby or Dina’s casting, fans will have to satisfy themselves with fan-cast debates.
Topics: Naughty Dog, PlayStation, TV And Film, The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Part 2