The Star Wars sequels were pretty disappointing overall, it had its moments but squandered so many others, especially Snoke.
Snoke was introduced in Star Wars: The Force Awakens in a similar manner to Palpatine in the original trilogy, as a floating head hologram that implied there was a bigger, badder threat than Kylo Ren.
See Star Wars: The Force Awakens below
After being hyped up as a potentially stronger force-user he was unexpectedly killed in the following film, a twist I didn’t actually mind but like many I was left with more questions about Snoke than answers.
Fans like myself have wanted to know more about the character, like where he came from, what his purpose was and just how powerful he was if he really tried to do anything.
Unfortunately we got our answer in Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker as it was revealed pretty early on in the film that Snoke was a clone created by Palpatine.
This idea was explored in Reddit threads as while we do know cloning is a thing in Star Wars the question still stands how Sidious made a completely new Sith Lord and why he even bothered.
“Snoke was a Strand-Cast of Sidious, meaning he was a clone who used Sidious’s genetic template and supplemented it with genetic material from other sources. Kind of like how the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were supplemented with frog DNA” one fan explained.
It makes sense but again why bother making Snoke in particular? Why not make younger, more powerful Sith clones instead?
“Snoke makes no sense. He was created by Palpatine apparently but if he is just some recently made clone, how is he a powerful dark side user?” added another user.
It’s all very weird, and a little bit stupid. It still baffles me that a coherent plan for all three films wasn’t drawn up before they went into production but hey, can’t do anything about it now.
Honestly I’d have preferred it if the fan theory about Snoke being an aged and scarred Made Windu turned out to be true…
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film