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Star Wars has a secret Sith lord you never knew about

Star Wars has a secret Sith lord you never knew about

Where has this one been hiding?

When it comes to Sith lords, the Star Wars fandom likes to think it knows all. But did you know there’s a secret Sith you likely haven’t heard of?

It turns out that not all Sith lords are created equal in Star Wars; some prefer to explore the Dark Side out of inquisitiveness and nothing more.

We present to you the curious case of Darth Vectivus.

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This discovery won’t anger you and have you remarking how “unnecessary” this tidbit of lore is. However, you will wish you’d learnt of them sooner.

As shared on Reddit, Darth Vectivus “became a Sith strictly out of curiosity”.

Moreover, “he maintained the ethics he'd kept as a businessman, engaged in no extreme violence, used the Dark Side of the Force as a tool for study, and died at his home among friends and family.”

Doesn’t sound much like a Sith to us, at least not any we’ve faced journeying through the ever-expanding Star Wars universe.

“Wait is that all we know of Vectivus?” asked poneil, before they queried if it was a ploy to lure unsuspecting characters to the Dark Side.

Apparently, though, Vectivus was still a businessman at heart even upon his death.

User Dyvius revealed, “His Holocron was indeed filled with nothing but business tips and how to stay rich and powerful through conventional means.”

Not everyone who’s learnt of this lord has taken the account of his life so seriously; as one Redditor quipped, “I'm not Sith, I'm just Sith curious...”

One thing’s for sure about Vectivus, he won’t be the best villain of the franchise that’s purportedly returning; that accolade belongs to another.

There are so many controversial plot points in Star Wars, but Darth Vectivus isn’t one of them. This unusual Sith is a blot on the landscape of an unforgiving empire, and we kind of like him for that fact.

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century Studios

Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film, Disney