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Star Wars' original name is one of the dumbest things we've ever seen

Star Wars' original name is one of the dumbest things we've ever seen

This would have been a choice... the wrong choice

The Star Wars fandom often finds any and all excuses to criticise the franchise, and normally we disagree with them.

But even we have to admit that this original name is bloody awful.

For all the moaning and criticism of Disney’s The Acolyte, the show hasn't embarrassed us quite as badly as this would have.

Initially, Star Wars was destined to be known as The Adventures of Luke Skywalker as Taken from The Journal of The Whills Saga # I: The Star Wars.

We'd like to return to the good times, to when The Acolyte cast shared their experience of getting their own lightsabers

Not only is it ridiculously and unnecessarily long, but it also sounds so boring. If Star Wars had gone with that title, the franchise wouldn’t still be around today, we’re almost 99 percent certain of that.

Upon learning this, fans have some pearls of wisdom to instil to all creatives; it’s to “write drunk, edit sober.”

Here’s the issue with this piece of advice: this title got bandied about quite late in the creative process, according to some.

“I don't know about ‘originally’. That title was very late in the process,” said Redditor RunDNA, before giving us the full timeline of development.

Having discovered the truth, some believe that this is proof that, occasionally, “meddling” is beneficial. “George Lucas's oeuvre is proof that executive meddling is sometimes a good thing,” reasoned a now deleted user.

The only greater crime we can think of is how Luke Skywalker is the reason why Palpatine returned.

If you’ve not been traumatised enough yet, you should see how we’ve ranked all 12 Star Wars films; think of it as a fun game of how to get angry in a record amount of time.

At least we were ranking Star Wars films and not The Adventures of Luke Skywalker as Taken from The Journal of The Whills – it would have been a short list!

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century Studios

Topics: Star Wars, Disney, TV And Film