Darth Maul was done dirty in the prequel trilogy. However, he was redeemed when The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels TV shows came around, fleshing out his story and rivalry with Obi-Wan.
Since then some fans have wanted the villain back on our screens to further explore one of Star Wars’ best villainous characters.
Disney is focused on Marvel properties at the moment, especially on Disney+
With this in mind, a question was posted on Reddit, “Would you watch a Darth Maul TV show?”
The obvious answer came in as the top reply, saying, “It's called Clone Wars Season 5,” and they’re right, his story in that show was perfectly handled.
Other Redditors explored the idea further, but it seems most of the community was torn on the viability of such a show.
TheLastKnownKing said, “I would watch a 4-episode limited series.”
Another user comments, “I would prefer a show that has Crimson Dawn as the antagonist and they all hint at this shadowy/behind-the-scenes leader that they’re terrified of (which we all know is Maul) and we see come out in the later episodes.”
This riffs off of the ending to Solo, which saw Maul return via holoprojector, we’re guessing in the hope that the thread was picked up by someone else.
Sadly, that thread is still dangling and as Solo doesn’t seem destined for a sequel, we’ll likely never see Maul again, outside of the comic books.
There are a number of users who would love to see the show but don’t want Disney behind it. Various comments read like this, “Not if it’s made by Disney” or this “As long as it’s not touched by Disney.”
Others seem more intrigued by the idea saying, “Only if it was TV-MA,” giving it a more mature slant.
However, imperial_juggernaut brings a sound mind to the conversation and says, “Nah, Disney doesn’t like doing stories on pure evil villains unless they were good before or get redeemed like Boba, Ventress, Vader, and Dooku.”
I’d love to see Maul some more, but perhaps as a cameo in an original idea, rather than getting his own show.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film, Disney