The latest instalment of The Acolyte has now arrived, and it’s changed everything we know about Anakin Skywalker’s birth.
If you’re not tuning into The Acolyte, I highly urge you to.
In our review, we said, “From epic lightsaber duels to adorable droids and everything in between, these are the jigsaw pieces that make Star Wars what it is, and yet [showrunner] Headland places those pieces together in a way that feels both familiar and new. Offering excellently paced episodes and a thrilling story packed with twists, turns, and revelations, The Acolyte doesn’t disappoint.”
This week’s episode - and yes, spoilers lie ahead - granted us an in-depth look at Osha and Mae’s backstory, revealing what exactly happened on Brendok that led to Osha’s induction into the Jedi Order.
We meet the twins’ mother, known only as Mother Aniseya (portrayed by Jodie Turner-Smith). It turns out though that Osha and Mae weren’t exactly brought into the galaxy via … natural methods.
Mother Aniseya happens to be the leader of an occult group, not to be confused with the Nightsisters, revealing that she “created” Osha and Mae.
Koril, a fellow member of the group, asked, “What happens if the Jedi discover how you created them?”
That clearly reveals that Mother Aniseya’s methods aren’t exactly by-the-book nor widely accepted.
There’s a lot still that we don’t know about this coven, including why it comprises exclusively women.
We had the chance to sit down with The Acolyte’s Dafne Keen, Charlie Barnett, and Rebecca Henderson.
As pointed out by Inverse, this isn’t the only instance we know of where force-sensitive children have been miraculously conceived.
That’s where Anakin Skywalker comes in..
In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon asks Shmi Skywalker who the boy’s father is to which she says, “There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can’t explain what happened.”
This has never really been explained.
Many believe that Anakin’s strong connection with the force led to his conception but it’s a flimsy theory at best.
In various pieces of Star Wars media, including a rough draft of Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine claimed to have manipulated the force to help create Anakin.
Mother Aniseya’s actions may finally reveal to us the true method via which force-sensitive children are created without a father.
I can’t help but feel that the method includes the dark side of the force.
Mother Aniseya feels like a character with great significance who’ll come into play again further down the line.
Could it be Mother Aniseya that’s our big bad? It’s not the most prevalent theory out there, but there’s certainly something she’s not sharing.
Topics: Star Wars, Disney, TV And Film