Star Wars fans are wondering why Dark Side Anakin wasn’t carrying a red lightsaber by the end of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.
Luckily there’s a very simple explanation as to why, and we’re going to break it down below since the Star Wars films make no mention of it.
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So as a brief recap, In the third prequel film Anakin is seduced to the Dark Side by Darth Sideous, prompting his rebellion from the Jedi which saw him slaughter younglings and duel his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
However it’s pretty hard to miss that after his turn to the Dark Side he still carries his blue lightsaber, when everyone knows the Sith wield red ones.
If you’re not familiar with the wider lore, every lightsaber has a kyber crystal inside which dictates what colour the blade will be, though red kyber crystals don’t occur naturally.
To get a red one a Sith must “bleed” a crystal, which is often the final step in becoming a true Sith Lord.
Anakin was still very new to the Sith way of life in Revenge Of The Sith, and after his defeat by Obi-Wan and getting shoved into the Darth Vader suit, only then did he set out to claim his red saber.
The idea of bleeding a kyber crystal to make a red one also didn’t exist when the prequels came out.
Basically, the real reason Anakin doesn’t have a red lightsaber in Revenge Of The Sith is because the production team simply didn’t give him one, but the in-universe explanation essentially boils down to him not having enough time to make one, after all he had a Republic to topple.
Personally I think Anakin getting his red lightsaber in Revenge of the Sith would have been a bad decision, as it was far more impactful to see two blue lightsabers clash in the finale to fit the theme of betrayal.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film