For years, Star Wars fans have debated who might be Anakin’s real father.
You see, Anakin’s mother, Shmi Skywalker, claims that Anakin has no father.
Technically, there could be a father she simply doesn’t want to mention, but the consensus has always been that Shmi was impregnated by the force which is a rather problematic little thing to ponder.
Why would the force do that?
Well, one theory is that Anakin, as one of the most powerful Jedi ever to exist, was created to establish equilibrium in the force.
At that time, the Sith order certainly would’ve been plotting behind the scenes.
Palpatine didn’t get into a position where he could assume control of the senate overnight.
The other theory, and the more accepted of the two, is that Palpatine manipulated the force to impregnate Shmi. Again, it’s disturbing and weird.
The idea is that Palpatine created Anakin basically as a powerful puppet he could manipulate which is essentially what ended up happening.
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Star Wars fans agree though that this entire plot thread is needless.
Anakin’s actions don’t really change when you take the identity of his father out of the equation.
Yes, he was lured to the Dark Side but not because Palpatine might be his father. There were many other factors at play.
Likewise, when Darth Vader somewhat redeems himself, killing Palpatine (or believing he has done so), it’s because Anakin within has chosen redemption and peace.
It just grows messy when you add in a father-revenge angle.
If anything, I’m on board with Reddit user getoffoficloud who said: “Nope. The Force created Anakin to COUNTER the Sith. He really was supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them, bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness.”
“I just hate the idea,” TanSkywalker added of the Palpatine argument.
“Palpatine twisted his way into Anakin’s life to groom/manipulate him into being a monster. That is all the connection Palpatine needs to Anakin. I honestly don’t like the virgin birth/chosen one/prophecy bit but I can overlook that. Anakin was created by Shmi, a good loving person, Vader was created by Palpatine who is a monster. There doesn’t and shouldn’t be anymore than that,” they continued.
Well said. Perhaps we can put this debate to bed once and for all.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film, Disney