In what can be agreed as an eyebrow-raising move, the upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action adaptation coming to Netflix will reportedly remove Sokka’s sexist ways.
We all know that sexism is not good and the majority of media in 2024 does not need it. However, for ATLA’s Sokka, it is a large part of his character and subsequent growth. It is such a large part that the show’s events would not even happen if it wasn’t for Sokka’s sexist remark to his sister, Katara in the very first episode. Her getting angry and destroying an iceberg is how viewers meet Avatar Aang for the first time.
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However, it appears as though Netflix will not be going down this route after the news that Sokka’s sexism will be removed, or at least toned down.
“There’s more weight with realism in every way,” said Sokka actor Ian Ousley to EW, followed by Katara actress Kiawentiio adding, “I feel like we also took out the element of how sexist [Sokka] was. I feel like there were a lot of moments in the original show that were iffy.”
“Yeah, totally,” Ousley continued. “There are things that were redirected just because it might play a little differently [in live action].”
If Sokka’s sexism played no role in the story and his character remained unchanged throughout the entire story, many fans would agree with this change. However, Sokka is regularly accompanied by women throughout the ATLA storyline including his sister Katara, earth-bender Toph, and even the Warriors of Kyoshi. It is through his relationships with these characters that he is able to grow and rethink his outdated views.
As a result, it will be interesting to see how the Netflix adaptation will handle his arc with such a large part of his personality being removed. Unfortunately, they will have a lot of angry fans to make it up to.
Topics: Netflix, TV And Film