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MCU fans unite over perfect Ghost Rider casting

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MCU fans unite over perfect Ghost Rider casting

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Marvel fans unite over a popular actor to reprise the role of Ghost Rider in the MCU, and we agree with this too.

Agents of S.H.I.E.LD was a fantastic Marvel series that was part of the MCU when it launched on TV in 2013, a run that would last seven seasons over ten years with the final episode concluding in 2020.

Check out the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D trailer below!

Well, it was fantastic but by the time it had got to the fifth season, I lost quite a lot of interest. I’m not sure why, it could have been the writing or some characters being cut from the show. Regardless, it still holds a sentimental place in my heart.

One of the best characters of the show in my opinion (other than S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Phil Coulson) was introduced in season four, episode one ‘The Ghost’ with Robbie Reyes aka Ghost Rider played by Gabriel Luna (Tommy Miller in The Last of Us TV series).

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Johnny Blaze portrayal by Nicolas Cage in Ghost Rider (2007) but for me, that added swagger of Gabriel Luna just pips it (sorry Nic, I still love you).

At the time of writing, it’s only speculated that there’s going to be a new Ghost Rider movie as part of the MCU but should that happen, fans on Reddit unite over Luna’s return.

“If they introduced Ghost Rider, who would you want to play him and what story should they go with?” asked Redditor TheAceofHufflepuff.

“I'd rather see Robbie return as an already established character with Gabriel Luna and finally set up the Midnight Sons,” replied Pretend-Meaning-1536.

“Robbie Reyes is the most interesting Ghost Rider host, but losing the motorcycle was not good,” said RustyPriske. If Luna does return, the MCU should give him his bike back.

“I consider Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D as another universe. However, both universes have the same guys playing Colson and Fury. So why not get the same guy to play Ghost Rider?” nowhereman136 suggested.

“I would love to see Gabriel Luna return,” declared MasterAnnatar.

Hopefully, if we get a Ghost Rider MCU movie, it will be announced by the end of this year with Gabriel Luna’s return. We’ll have our fingers crossed.

All seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is available to stream now on Disney Plus.

Featured Image Credit: Marvel Television/ABC Studios

Topics: TV And Film, Marvel, MCU, Comics, Disney