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Marvel star teases MCU's new Professor X

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Marvel star teases MCU's new Professor X

Are we getting a new Charles Xavier?

It seems that we could be getting a new Charles Professor Xavier in the MCU, at least according to an actor who has played the iconic role.

Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Professor X is one of the most instantly recognisable characters in all comic books regardless of brand. To complement his genius intellect, Professor X is an incredibly powerful telepathic with the added super mutant ability of telekinesis, making him the perfect leader and mentor of the X-Men.Check out the X-Men: First Class trailer below!

Professor X made his debut in the first issue of X-Men in 1963, however, for many fans, their first introduction to the iconic character may have been in the brilliant animated series of the 1990s. The character would then be brought to life in live-action form in the 2000 X-Men movie, played by the endlessly charming Patrick Stewart.Furthermore, in 2011, the first of a prequel movie series was released with X-Men: First Class which introduced a young Professor X,

now played by James McAvoy. In terms of what’s yet to come, we know that we’re going to get the X-Men in the MCU now that pretty much all Marvel movie properties are owned by Disney.

At the time of writing, a new X-Men live-action movie hasn't been revealed, so it's currently up in the air who will be starring in the production but it’s safe to assume that Patrick Steward might be too far into his twilight years by the time that movie comes around at the forever young age of 84.

So naturally, at the age of 45, James McAvoy would be the perfect choice to lead the way in the new era of X-Men in the MCU, right? Well, that might not be the case, according to the actor himself.

As reported by (via BuzzFeed UK), during an interview, James McAvoy believes that the role of Professor X could be recast. There’s every chance that McAvoy might be deliberately coy to avoid trouble with Disney and Marvel bigwigs but on the flipside, there may be truth behind the Giancarlo Esposito rumours.

Personally, I’ll be hoping that James McAvoy reprises his role because, alongside Patrick Stewart, he plays the role of

Professor X perfectly.

As for when the new X-Men movie will arrive, that’s anyone's guess at this point. When you consider that it's not even been revealed yet, it could be a few years away at least.

Featured Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Topics: Marvel, MCU, TV And Film, Comics, Disney