Marvel has resurrected a hero it killed off years ago, much to the surprise, and confusion of fans.
Character deaths in Marvel often fail to hit on an emotional level, because it’s Marvel. Give it some time and the character who just got blown up will be back with a new costume or a thirst for vengeance in the next series across.
The MCU tends to differ though, for example Steve Rogers as we know him isn’t coming back, it’s Sam Wilson’s time to shine in Captain America: New World Order
However the comics will continue to kill, resurrect and kill again, but a surprising twist in one of the latest comic series has brought a character back 12 years after their “death”.
In Avengers Academy: Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic #18, fans have welcomed back the character Mettle, who’s been revealed to be alive and well this entire time.
If you don’t know who Mettle is you’d be forgiven as he’s quite a niche character, basically he’s a man covered in a metallic coating of red iridium which makes him invulnerable to most forms of attack. Thing of Luke Cage but arguably less resilient.
In a comic 12 years ago Mettle was seemingly burst like a bubble by a villain called Arcade, but the latest issue revealed Arcade actually sold Mettle to another villain Emplate.
The Avengers Academy students obviously rescue the young hero, and he’s now back on the team after a very long hiatus.
If you haven’t read any Avengers Academy stories they’re worth a go, in fact they’d make for a great live-action Disney+ series if Marvel Studios wants to go down that road in the future.
It’s believed the MCU is slowly setting up the Young Avengers for a team-up later down the line, so perhaps one day we’ll see an Academy put together.