We don’t want to consider this as a real possibility, and yet it seems painfully likely given the radio silence on this Marvel film.
For some reason, the Blade reboot is hitting obstacles at every turn. We know being a badass vampire hunter is hard work, but this feels like a constant uphill struggle.
It’s got so bad that fans believe the Marvel film is “never coming”.
When the new Blade film received its R-rating, fans of the old Wesley Snipes films were pleased to see the Daywalker not being watered down by Disney.
We pray this isn't the last time we'll see a Marvel announcement about Blade
Then, when rumours started that Snipes might be returning to the MCU, we all cheered with delight at the chance of seeing Snipes as Blade once again.
But now, all those hopes are disintegrating.
The shift from hopeful to pessimistic came after it was revealed that Yann Demange is no longer the director of the movie.
Redditor mudermarshmallows said, “This film is never coming out lmfao, just pull the plug.” To which another user replied, “Blade: Coming to Theaters when the Sun Explodes.”
Not that Blade needs the sun to disappear to show up and kick ass, but we understand the sentiment; it feels like we’ll all bite the dust before we see the Daywalker on our screens again.
Even the optimistic fans are trading in their happy-go-lucky outlook for one of doubt. “I'm usually one to be more optimistic when it comes to the MCU, but every piece of Blade news has screamed disaster for the past several years.”
Yet, according to an insider The Wrap spoke to, as per Dexerto’s article, all the changes are to ensure that the film will be of the highest quality. It’s all about focusing on “quality rather than quantity”.
As one fan jokingly asked, though, “How can it be so f**king hard to make a movie about a guy killing vampires lmao.”
Topics: Marvel, Disney, TV And Film