Remember when John Lennon said The Beatles were bigger than Jesus and everyone lost their minds with anger? Well, apparently it’s okay to compare yourself to the big man if you’re Deadpool.
We’re not mad about it, to be honest, as Deadpool can do little wrong in fans’ eyes; chaotic, cheeky, and completely unique in the most questionable sense, Deadpool is an icon we can’t shun.
And finally, after waiting for an achingly long time, the first Deadpool & Wolverine trailer was shown during the Superb Owl, aka the Super Bowl, during half-time. It did not disappoint.
Everybody loves Wade in the Deadpool & Wolverine teaser trailer, well, everyone save Wolverine
It’s a chonky “teaser” too, much to the delight of us Marvel fans who’ve been waiting for Wade to return, poking fun at Wolverine and Hugh Jackman in equal measure.
This is the first time we’re seeing Deadpool as part of the Disney conglomerate, something that Wade pokes fun of early on in the trailer; fortunately, despite Disney’s involvement, the Merch with a Mouth is still as R Rated as ever.
However, Disney’s involvement does mean we could see more parallel universes due to Disney’s love of doing that in the recent MCU. In the trailer, such shenanigans certainly point to that (anyone getting Loki déjà vu?), but Deadpool is a trickster, so it could all be smoke and mirrors.
“Marvel Jesus” is headed to the headquarters of the X-Men to show us how certain characters within the merry band of mutants came to be the familiar faces we recognise today. The film trailer packs one hell of a punch, just as the Lord intended, and leaves its fans begging for more, especially seeing the silhouette of Wolverine unleash his claws to “help” Deadpool up.
We’d say the wait won’t be much longer, but we’ve still got until 26 July before Deadpool crashes onto the silver screen to cause untold mayhem. Still, at least it isn’t 2025 like the other MCU films scheduled.
Topics: Marvel, Marvels Avengers, TV And Film