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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone 3 hour director's cut leaves fans hopeful

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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone 3 hour director's cut leaves fans hopeful

Harry Potter and the overly long cut

If you take the original film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, and add in all the deleted scenes, you end up with a ‘director’s cut’ over three hours in length.

Some fans would very much like to see this iteration of the debut Harry Potter film, others aren’t so sure.

Do you want to see a 3-hour cut of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

The first film, called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in America because the publishers of the original book thought Americans were dumb, is a film near and dear to Potterheads.

After all, it’s where it all began. Yet, some of them want those deleted scenes squeezed back in, because they add more context to the plot.

Over on Reddit, the fanbase is debating whether or not this ‘director’s cut’ would be a worthy release from Warner Bros.

“No, it’s been like 20 years,” said the top reply from Flat243Squirrel.

TheWaningWizard replied to this with, “24 years actually, lol, but who knows, maybe next year well get it as a surprise 25th year anniversary. Doubtful but possible.”

One fan is shocked this would even be a possibility, saying, “I never knew this existed but would LOVE to see it.”

Technically, it doesn’t exist, it’s something fans would simply like to see. However, much of the content originally planned for the film wasn’t even shot.

“There is no 3 hr cut. Peeves was never finished. They nixed the idea and the scenes weren't all filmed let alone any CGI completed,” remarked rocker2014.

Retorting beneath this, was VegetableSense7167, who said, “No there was. Chris Columbus screened his original three-hour cut in Chicago and said: "Parents afterwards said it was too long, the kids said it was too short.”

Fans are split on whether this release would be a good idea - though one notes that Warner Bros. would make a fortune out of it, saying, “if they slapped that shit on the cheapest blu ray money can buy, they would make BANK.”

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Studio

Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film, Warner Bros