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Harry Potter fans roast Severus Snape discovery made after 30 years

Harry Potter fans roast Severus Snape discovery made after 30 years

Shocking to absolutely no one, Snape isn't a good guy

The selfishness of Severus Snape is well documented, or so most fans thought.

Oddly, there are some Harry Potter fans who’ve failed to recognise this quality in the character, with the so-called “discovery” now being treated like some kind of revelation.

We don’t wish to belittle anyone who’s never noticed this before, simply to wonder how such a detail could be missed.

After all, it’s pretty much Snape’s entire personality to be vile to everyone he comes across, apart from Lily, in both the books and films.

Even then, his “devotion” is highly problematic.

Let's all play some Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions to cleanse the tense energy in here

When sarnant posted on the Harry Potter subreddit that they’d had a “horrible realisation about Severus Snape”, little did they know the conversation would take such a turn.

Instead of being quick to agree with the OP, most comments take aim at the OP for their ignorance in believing otherwise.

“But rereading the series and reflecting on the events surrounding Lily’s death, I’ve come to a different conclusion,” sarnant shared.

“Snape's request to Voldemort to spare Lily was actually disgustingly selfish, and in a way, it shows he truly didn't care about her in the way I once thought.”

To this, CyberSheldon replied, “That’s exactly what Dumbledore called him out for.”

User Slammogram followed on from this saying, “Yeah, this isn’t a revelation. It’s graphically spelled out for us. Lol.”

When the defence was put forward that people simply “missed” the signs that pointed to Snape being a villain rather than an anti-hero, Coffee_Fix responded, “They didn't miss it. They choose to ignore it.”

The fandom’s stance on Snape is pretty clear, but in case you have any doubts, here’s one final comment about this Snape discovery.

“I've been saying for years that Snape is not a good person, and his treatment of Neville is more than enough proof,” argued everything_is_cats.

Again, we want to state that we have nothing against the OP; sometimes, it takes years to realise what was in front of you all along.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Topics: Harry Potter, Warner Bros, TV And Film