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Harry Potter fans spot 20-year-old plot hole that I'm never going to unsee
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Harry Potter fans spot 20-year-old plot hole that I'm never going to unsee


I want to apologise in advance for this one because once you know about it, you’ll never forget it.

Maybe that won’t matter much to some of you – you may have outgrown your Harry Potter phase.

However, for some of us, the magic is very much alive and well. Or, at least, it was until we learnt of this plot hole.

Before we delve into this annoying detail, let us preface this by saying that we appreciate some of you will already know about it.

Let's hope the HBO Harry Potter series learns from this mistake.

For those who’ve already been burdened with such knowledge, we can only admire your perseverance.

What detail has caused such a fuss?

It’s the use of the spell Lumos.

In the book The Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry is out exploring at the beginning of the tale, he has to use a torch to see where he’s going.

However, as itslevi-Osa regrettably noted, that doesn’t happen in the cinematic version of events.

“At the beginning of PoA, Harry's supposed to have a torch to help him see, but in the movies he's using Lumos. Magic isn't allowed for underage wizards out of Hogwarts, what the hell. Lol.”

Ignorance is bliss. And now a luxury we can no longer afford.

Before anyone attempts to excuse this film detail, LowerEntertainer7548 has something to say on the matter of film vs books.

“Yeah that annoys me too. I know it’s a movie only thing but magic not being allowed for underage wizards is a plot point in multiple books,” they argued.

Add this latest development to the Severus Snape discovery one fan is being roasted for, and it’s been a difficult couple of weeks for the fandom.

We’re seeing things we can’t unsee, or being forced to listen to lore theorises we already know to be true.

Next time you sit down to watch The Prisoner of Azkaban, why not upset everyone else by pointing out this plot issue?

I’m sure they’ll appreciate it...!

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Topics: Harry Potter, TV And Film, Warner Bros