Driver, the much beloved open-world driving franchise that hasn't seen a home console release since 2011's Driver: San Francisco, is finally back! Sort of. Maybe?
As confirmed by Game File after directly reaching out to Ubisoft representative, the publisher is "actively working on other exciting projects related to the franchise".
Unfortunately the rep also confirmed that the live-action Driver TV show, announced back in 2021 and initially set to premier on Australia's "Binge" streaming service, has been cancelled. This is undoubtedly going to be crushing news for all eight people who were aware of its existence.
This news comes off the back of the release of Ubisoft's 356-page annual report, which stated that the studio set to work on the show (aptly named Hotrod Tanner LLC) was dissolved back in January of this year.
Considering that the one and only post on Binge Entertainment's LinkedIn page (wherein they describe themselves as "the future of gaming entertainment") is a post shilling Web3 and the TOKEN2049 crypto event in Dubai, this cancellation can only be seen as good news.
Those desperate for a live-action adaptation of a Ubisoft property need not fret however, as they recently announced that production has begun on a Watch Dogs movie. Or, if you really hate yourself, you could always watch 2003's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Whilst the Ubisoft rep didn't directly confirm that the publisher is working on a new Driver game, we can only hope that one of these "exciting projects" is a new AAA entry in the series and not another free-to-play, mobile-only title like 2014's Driver: Speedboat Paradise.
Topics: Ubisoft, Watch Dogs