Few finales deliver such fitting closure to an actor’s time as a beloved character, yet that’s what’s been achieved in Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths.
When we first heard the sad news of Kevin Conroy’s passing, fans weren’t just heartbroken at losing such a revered actor, they also mourned the loss of Batman.
For many, he is Batman; his death has arguably left a legacy impossibility difficult to live up to. Indeed, fans fear no one will be able to.
Even more so after seeing Conroy’s posthumous performance in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3.
During the scene that has since been shared far and wide on social media, Conroy’s Batman is fighting the Joker as the world crumbles around them.
Joker laughs before saying he’s “flattered” that Batman has chosen to spend his last moments on earth with the villain, to which the caped crusader has the perfect line.
“And if it has to end, at least I go out like this: being Batman.”
The meaning of those words carry more weight now than Conroy could have realised during recording.
“Cemented GOAT Status forever,” remarked Twitter user Tony | RESIDENCE of EVIL, “F**king tears, man.”
Another post reads, “Couldn’t have been any better of a final performance. As if Kevin knew or felt that his time could be coming to an end.”
Sobbing gifs and memes have been used in abundance to try to convey just how much that final posthumous line pulled the rug from under our feet.
We were prepared to be tearful, but few expected to be crying like this.
Not many actors get such a “good sendoff”, voicing the character that’s been an integral part of their career for 30 years.
It’s fantastic Conroy got to go out as Batman, but the moment is bittersweet for all who are still mourning the passing of their Bats.
Topics: Batman, DC Comics, Justice League, TV And Film, Warner Bros, no article matching