When it comes to iconic villains, the Joker is one of the greats, not least of all because of his chemistry with Batman.
However, as we’ve seen from previous films, it’s not always easy to capture the character’s complexities.
Who played the Joker best in previous DC inspired films isn’t up for debate. That said, it’s because of these previous performances that have fans concerned over who will next take on the role.
Typically, this kind of subject matter would divide the fandom, but in an unusual twist, Batman fans are united in this ideal casting choice.
When the DCU looks for a new actor to play the Joker, fans believe that Bill Skarsgård is the individual for the job.
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Better still, Skarsgård has already voiced his interest in the role.
As shared by the Discussing Film Twitter account, the actor said, “There’s a pretty cool Joker in me, and it would be very sick.”
Having seen Skarsgård perfectly capture the creepiness of Pennywise, it’s not hard to envision him taking on another iconic role and doing it justice.
“I can totally see this,” commented haxxanova. “He has the eyeline of Joker from B: TAS. I would be very curious on what this would be like.”
“I like this. Skarsgård is great too,” added dehehn.
While there are plenty of other comments also intrigued by this possible casting choice, that isn’t to say they want to see Skarsgård play the Joker any time soon.
In fact, they’d prefer a long break before the Joker is seen in the DCU.
User bateen618 summarised it well, saying, “Batman has one of the greatest rouge galleries in comics, but movies have only scratched the surface, and most of that was just Joker.”
It’s true, there are a lot of villains out for Batman's blood, yet we rarely see them. Or, if we do, they’re not given nearly as much screen time as the Joker.
That being said, with the Joker being such a well known character, it’s important to get the casting right.
Whether the DCU uses Skarsgård remains to be seen. However, at least fans feel confident in the actor’s abilities should he end up getting the role.
Topics: DCU, DC, DC Comics, TV And Film, Warner Bros