Today marks two months since FromSoftware’s latest epic, Elden Ring, was released and people still cannot stop talking about it.
While many have completed the main story and side quests by now, people have started designing their own challenges to make playing the game more interesting. There are of course the speedrunners, who take on all 165 bosses in a row, and the challenge players, who have completed it without ever levelling up. Then there’s the infamous naked man who answers players' calls to help fight one of the toughest bosses Malenia, then asks if he may take her on alone.
We’ve even seen someone complete Elden Ring using a dance mat as a controller. Check it out in the video below.
In response to some players who have been saying that using in-game mechanics such as magic and summons is cheating - something which is frankly maidenless behaviour - one player decided to go way back to basics.
As spotted by Kotaku, YouTuber MrBorkD took down Malenia using only a series of prods. Playing as a level one Wretch, MrBorkD decided to only use the light attack. This meant no dodging, no combos, no blocking, no jumping, and no healing. While he did also use the analogue stick to run about, light attack was the only button he pressed.
He used the Commander’s Standard halberd which did around 500hp adamage per attack. As he took down both her first and second forms with this method, she took more than 30 attacks before she was felled. Despite restricting healing, it turns out MrBorkD didn’t even need it. He finished the fight without taking a hit.
So maybe from now on, the only people who can tell others they aren’t playing the game “properly” are the ones who take down bosses like MrBorkD.
Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware