The Witcher 3 is an already vast experience, but when you bring modding into the equation, you can see new paths and quests that will extend your playtime greatly.
It’s also a game known for having an actual protagonist, rather than a cookie-cutter RPG hero that we can design and give voice to. Geralt is such an important part of the world and the experience of playing The Witcher 3.
The Witcher 3 is easily one of the best and most respected RPGs ever made
One modder has brought player the ability to put Geralt to one side and allow us to create our own Witcher, male or female.
Custom Player Characters is a new mod that starts the journey as normal, but gives you a chameleon potion for your inventory.
Once you drink this you’ll be taken to a character creation screen that pulls from every 3D model available within the game and even allows you to switch out parts of them, mixing and matching to get the best character for you.
Along with this are AI voices that will deliver Geralt’s dialogue changing them into more feminine-sounding tones or lighter voices than the original supplied by actor Doug Cockle.
Essentially, you’re given the chance to play as your own creation, still carrying the drama of the story through dialogue.
But that’s not all. You could even choose to play the game as a sorcerer, featuring a custom questline that switches out your Witcher signs for actual spells.
So instead of wielding Geralt’s two swords, you can instead launch lightning bolts or even morph into animals and fight with your hands. Or paws.
This has left some wishing for a similar feature in The Witcher 4, rather than giving us a new or previously introduced character. It would also be interesting to see CD Projekt Red dabble with more magic beyond what we’ve seen before and expand the world into other areas of fantasy RPG mechanics.
Topics: The Witcher 3, The Witcher, CD Projekt Red, PC, Mods