Whether it’s a modern remake or remaster, offering players that nostalgic fuzzy feeling of reliving beloved video games of yesteryear is a lucrative and enjoyable proposition for all those involved.
Take The Simpsons: Hit and Run for example. Developed by Radical Entertainment and released 20 years ago in 2003, seen as a family-friendly alternative to GTA III, The Simpsons: Hit & Run has garnered a loyal fanbase that would love nothing more than to see it revitalised today.
Check out The Simpsons: Hit & Run fan remake below!
Unfortunately, Activision who owns The Simpsons: Hit and Run property seem to have no interest in reviving the game, which is a shame because it will likely be an instant hit for veteran and new fans alike.
Thankfully, however, if the big publishers won't do what’s right, talented indie developers are doing the work for the gaming gods. Back in August 2021, a developer by the name of reubs built a remake of the popular Simpsons game in less than a week. Albeit it wasn't the full product from start to finish, yet it was incredibly impressive nonetheless and gave us a clear indication of how fantastic this remake could be with more time to cook in the oven and added financial backing.
The Simpsons: Hit & Run remake is now finally complete and not only does it look fantastic, but it’s fully playable allowing the player to explore the world by car, on foot, partake in missions, and it even includes sampled audio dialogue for its characters and so much more.
Sadly, this remake will not be made available for the public to download whether it be free or requires a payment transaction. The reason is that if this remake was to be made public, it would no doubt be a target of a DMCA takedown and thus would be deleted from the internet. So the only way to preserve this remake is for it to remain private to the indie developer.
If there’s a positive to take from this project, it’s that hopefully, Activision will take notice and realise that a remake or even a remaster of The Simpsons: Hit & Run is something that new and returning fans alike would love to see. We just wouldn't recommend holding your breath for that to happen anytime soon.
Topics: PC, Activision