It’s been questioned for months now just how good The Flash is going to be. In fact, there was a period of time where it was debatable whether it’d actually reach cinema screens at all.
The movie’s main star, Ezra Miller, has been at the centre of controversy for some time now. Last year, they were arrested twice in Hawaii - one time for disorderly conduct and harassment, and the second time for second-degree assault. More incidents followed, including being charged with felony burglary after they allegedly stole bottles of alcohol from a home in Vermont. Despite that, The Flash director Andrés Muschietti recently said that working with Miller was “probably one of my best experiences working with an actor, ever”, and added that: “They're brilliant. [Their] contributions are constant, and also they like to do more takes than I do, which is a lot.”
Take a look at the trailer for The Flash below.
While the film still isn’t out for another couple of months, it had its premiere at CinemaCon earlier this week, and Deadline reports that audience reactions were incredibly positive.
One studio dine-in chain exhibitor reportedly said that “it’s one of the best DC films ever made”, and then took it even further by saying that it’s “probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made”.
Tim Richards, the boss of Vue International, said (via Deadline): “I absolutely loved it. It’s got heart, it’s got soul. You care about the characters. It’s going to be big. It’s great to see the whole Warner Bros slate including comedies, horror and DC. Everything that our audiences are desperate for.”
It sounds like it’s going to be quite an emotional watch, too. Via Deadline, Rick Roman, a Kentucky-based exhibitor, said: “The audience loved it. I thought it was very good — lots of humour. Emotional at the end with some people crying. I like how they brought in Batman to support the Flash. Smart move. The movie will have legs since people will see it more than once.”
Well, that all sounds very promising. The Flash is set to release in cinemas on 16 June.
Topics: DC, TV And Film, Warner Bros