Skyrim is in the midst of celebrating its 13th anniversary and yet it’s The Elder Scrolls VI that fans are talking about.
As I’m sure you’re all aware, we’re in an Elder Scrolls VI drought.
The game was formally unveiled in 2018 and since then we’ve had precisely zero - yes, zero - updates.
We have no idea when the game is set, when it might release, what kind of gameplay innovations it’ll introduce ... you get the idea.
Much like Jon Snow, we know nothing.
The game remains deep in development at Bethesda with many educated guesses placing the title at four years or so away from release.
Of course, take such guesses with a pinch of salt as it’s hard to say how far along development truly is.
The Elder Scrolls VI could even be a next-gen title at this rate.
Anyway, I digress. Let’s hope back to that 13th anniversary Skyrim post.
It may look inconspicuous enough, but fans are convinced that it’s hiding an Elder Scrolls VI tease.
Take a look at The Elder Scrolls VI’s original teaser trailer below.
You see, the ongoing theory is that the game will be set in Hammerfell.
Why? Well, a while back, one Bethesda employee’s Pinterest board leaked online and it contained a high fantasy moodboard that very much evoked a Hammerfell-esque feel.
When the discovery started doing the rounds online, the board was made private. Very suspicious.
To add to that, this Skyrim post features a glass sword known as Chillrend.
As Reddit user GenericMaleNPC01 points out by quoting The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, “The sword's first known owner was Valus Odiil, an Imperial adventurer who wandered Tamriel (or at least Hammerfell).”
Are fans clutching at straws? That awaits to be seen, but it’s hard to deny the building traction of the Hammerfell theory.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim, Bethesda