It’s pretty safe to say that while Starfield received some acclaim from the media and fans, it missed the mark on delivering some of its promises.
For a sci-fi RPG arriving on barren planets, many of which were cut-and-paste copies, was a massive let down. Even the idea of travelling across the stars was undercut by it’s bloated execution, leaving players to simply fast travel everywhere.
Starfield ended up being a very divisive game but many critics loved it
Other complaints levelled at the game were the lack of land vehicles, a missing 60FPS option, and city maps to guide the player.
Well, it seems Bethesda has been listening and they are due to fix all of these issues, and more, in their May update for Starfield. And this gives us all a lot of hope for the upcoming Elder Scrolls VI.
Many players, myself included, believe that Starfield has potential. There’s a great foundation to be built on and Bethesda isn’t shy in admitting that their games continue to grow years after release.
One Redditor commenting on the May update has faith in Bethesda saying, “Starfield convinced me even more that TES VI will turn out great and the way Bethesda keeps supporting Starfield shows how much they really care about their games.”
Some replies to the initial thread cement that Bethesda is a company that always listens with the top reply saying, “Yeah, I think it’s been pretty clear for some time that they absolutely account for player feedback.”
These improvements, and the fact that Elder Scrolls VI is still some years away, all point to a very good game emerging on release. Bethesda knows where they went wrong, they know what to improve, and there’s still time to adjust.
While I’m not the biggest fan of Starfield, it’s likely I’ll go back after the updates and DLC, and I’m still as excited about Elder Scrolls as I’ve ever been.
Topics: Starfield, The Elder Scrolls 6, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda, Skyrim