Few things in life are certain. We live in a swirling and unpredictable sea of chaos, with very few solid promises to cling onto as we weather the storm.
Unsurprisingly, The Elder Scrolls VI is one game that fans have been clinging to since it was first announced far too long ago. But as time marches on, the ever-widening gap between the RPG's reveal and its ultimate release date has fans questioning their own mortality.
A quick bit of math confirms it's been six years since the game was revealed with a very brief teaser that gave nothing away. We also know the game is now in active development. But that's kind of it.
Horrifyingly, one player recently pointed out The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, which released way back in 2002, is now closer to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim than The Elder Scrolls 6 will be. That's a nine year gap, friends. But that's nothing compared to the ongoing 13-year wait we're enduring for The Elder Scrolls VI.
“How could this even happen? If you told me in 2011 that the next TES game wouldn't come out for another 14-15 years, I'd assume Bethesda was shut down”, one comment read over on r/TESVI.
Another said: “I can’t believe we got and are getting Dragon's Dogma 2, Dead Island 2, a new Half Life game, Skyblivion, a Metal Gear Solid remake before The Elder Scrolls VI”.
"I don't care what anybody says. I wish Fallout 76 and Starfield were never made," a third fan proclaimed. "Asids from them completely falling short of Bethesda's previous titles, TES VI would probably be out by now if Bethesda had just focused on that after Fallout 4."
Pretty harsh words, but I can kind of see where they're coming from. Fallout 76 and Starfield are great games in their own right, but if given the choice I'm not sure I wouldn't trade them in to get The Elder Scrolls VI sooner.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda