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Pokémon Card Streamer's Box Opening Ruined When Her Hair Catches Fire

Pokémon Card Streamer's Box Opening Ruined When Her Hair Catches Fire

Woofy accidentally caught her hair on fire while searching for rare cards.

Pokémon card opening has had a massive popularity boost in the last couple of years. The packs of collectable cards are selling like hot cakes across the world and that anticipation of carefully peeling the foil back to see if you’ve got a rare 'mon is infectious. So infectious that many content creators are taking card opening to livestreams to share the incredible feeling with their viewers. 

As reported by Dexerto, however, one Twitch streamer had an unfortunate situation on a recent pack opening stream where her hair set ablaze. Bri ‘Woofy‘ Kristine was opening the Japanese TCG set Shiny Star V when she leaned down, out of frame, and popped back on camera with the top of her hair on fire. It took a few seconds of confusion to smell and feel the effects of the fire before she hurried to pat it out.

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Of course, when you’re in that situation, you’re shocked. She screams “oh my god” a couple of times, looking like she can’t believe that the was actually just on fire. Of course, her viewers were just as stunned at the turn of events. Thankfully though, she wasn’t harmed though her hair will take some time to recover. 

What had happened, was when she went to bend down, her hair had come too close to a lit candle next to her set up. Speaking from just a little personal experience, as my hair is pretty similar to the streamer’s, it was probably her hair product that caught on fire. Black and mixed hair requires a lot of product to keep it healthy and it’s often decently flammable, especially when put next to a candle. That’s why it goes from no fire to crap fire so quickly. 

If nothing else, please be careful and overly cautious with fire when you have lit candles yourself. Burned hair isn’t exactly a fashion statement.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo / Bri ‘Woofy‘ Kristine

Topics: Twitch