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Steam drops new free RPG that's rocketed up the charts already

Steam drops new free RPG that's rocketed up the charts already

It's popular but is it a hit?

Despite only releasing earlier this week, this new RPG has already rocketed up the Steam charts and better yet, it’s totally free to download.

The First Descendant is a brand-new third-person looter shooter by developers NEXON. Powered by Unreal Engine 5, players will become a Descendant, a powerful soldier who is tasked with taking up the fight to save humanity.

Check out the official launch trailer for The First Descendant below!

Available both in single-player or co-op mode, The First Descendant is a cooperative action RPG shooter where players will experience fun and strategic boss fights, various unique characters and exciting gunplay.

“The player becomes a Descendant in the game and is given a mission to fight against the invaders for the survival of humans and to protect the ‘Ingris continent’,” the official synopsis reads.

“The player can experience a spectacular story by growing stronger through various missions and stories to finally discover the Descendants' secret.”

Released on 30 June, The First Descendant has already rocketed up the Steam charts and is currently the 7th most-played game according to SteamDB. With 145,406 players online at the time of writing this article with a peak of 229,257, it is clear that this brand-new RPG has captured player’s imaginations.

However, despite being a free download and hitting impressive figures, it appears as though The First Descendant is something of a mixed experience for players.

One negative review reads: “This game was released with more real money purchasable items than actual gameplay mechanics.”

However, another player had a slightly more enjoyable experience with the looter shooter and said: “Warframe but made by Nexon. The game is heavily monetised and handled by greedy publishers with shady practices but it's a good change of scenery if you're from Warframe. It’s a free game, give it a try, but avoid "investing" in it”.

Featured Image Credit: Valve/Nexon

Topics: Steam, PC, Free Games