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Starfield players have genius plan to grab free download and still get Collector's Edition

Starfield players have genius plan to grab free download and still get Collector's Edition

Starfield free download: fans plan to save £100 and still grab Collector's Edition, DLC

With just weeks to go until Starfield launches, players are currently faced with some tough decisions to make.

Which class should we pick to start with? What should we do with our ships? Where in the game's massive open world should we explore first? Being a Starfield fan sure is tough work.

Take a look at Starfield in action below!

Perhaps the biggest question facing many Starfield players, however, is: should you get the game via Xbox Game Pass or fork over the £70 and claim the game yourself?

There are benefits to both options, of course. If you have an Xbox Game Pass subscription already then Starfield is effectively a free download. But as soon as you stop paying your subscription, you obviously lose access to the game until you start paying again. Fine and dandy for a game like Hi-Fi Rush that you can clear in a few weekends. But Starfield is a chungus of a game, one that fans are already gearing up to lose many, many months of their lives to. Perhaps, then, it's better to simply pay the money upfront.

However, over on Reddit a few plucky gamers have come up with a very smart solution. In short? "Rent" the game for cheap on Game Pass for the first few months and wait for the physical edition to drop in price, something which will inevitably happen before too long. Whether it goes on sale around Christmas or simply drops in value, Starfield won't cost £70 forever. Or maybe it will, I guess... probably not though.

"Play through it a couple of times un-modded on Game Pass, then pick it up for a song with DLC included and plenty of mods available," one entrepreneur writes.

Another adds: "No point spending $100 to get it 6 days early when I can get it for free. By the time DLC comes out the price will have dropped by half surely."

Featured Image Credit: Starfield free download conundrum leaves fans torn

Topics: Starfield, Bethesda, Xbox Game Pass