For years Star Wars fans have known Darth Plagueis The Wise to be one of the most terrifying and mysterious Sith lords. Except it turns out he probably wasn't that wise after all, according to one account of his death.
If you're into Star Wars, you'll know that series big bad and unlimited power vendor Emperor Palpatine learned everything he knew from Darth Plagueis.
You'll also probably know the one and only time we've ever seen Plagueis on screen was at the very end of The Acolyte. Given that series was thrown away like old garbage, don't bank on seeing him again soon.
Evil sod he is, Palpatine killed his master at some point during (or just before) the events of The Phantom Menace. Which begs the question: if Plageuis was so strong and wise, how did he end up murdered by our boy Palpatine?
The answer comes in the James Luceno novel Star Wars: Darth Plagueis. It's worth noting this book is now part of the ‘Legends’ rather than the main canon, but a lot of what was established in Legends has made its way to the main timeline, and for now this remains our only real account of Plagueis' last night alive.
According to the book, Palpatine...Plagueis smashed. Drunk. Wrecked. He basically got him sloppy on wine, and then messed with his breathing apparatus, because apparently 50 percent of all Sith Lords suffer from respiratory problems.
This incredible end was mentioned on Reddit after a user wondered how it could have happened.
“He was also recovering from an assassination attempt and like OP said using a breathing device to survive," another Reddit user explained, providing some much-needed context. "Which is actually a parallel to Sidious killing Vader with force lightning because it disabled his suit.”
Further into the thread, Wate2028 expanded further, “Plagueis thought that he and Sidious were buddies and that they would rule together, Sidious even tells him ‘You were far too trusting Plagueis, no true Sith can ever really care about another, this has always been known.’”
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film