Star Wars fans can’t seem to agree on much these days, especially where the Disney films are concerned.
However, it seems there is something they’ve managed to reach an agreement on; Disney nailed recasting a classic Star Wars character in one of their earlier films.
Some Star Wars recasts are great. Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan Kenobi, Joel Edgerton’s Owen Lars and Genevieve O'Reilly’s Mon Mothma are probably the stand-out recasts, to name but a few.
However, some recasts were let down by less-than-perfect scripts; and it seems fans want one actor to take a crack at their character for a second time.
In a thread titled “I don’t know if it’s just me, but I always forgot someone else has played Han Solo” over on the r/StarWars subreddit, a lot of fans seem to have enjoyed Alden Ehrenreich’s take on Han Solo enough that they wouldn’t mind if he gave the role another shot in the future.
“Honestly thought he carried himself perfectly,” commented user Additional-Tough5749.
“It was an enjoyable movie that got way too much hate when it came out.”
“I thought he was great,” replied user Ready_Mortgage_3666.
“Had less charisma and cockiness but that’s what I wanted. If he had played it the same way as Harrison it would have been a horrible choice.”
Personally, I agree.
Alden Ehrenreich is a great actor, and I think that he’d be even better as Han Solo the second time around.
It wasn’t really his fault that the production of Solo: A Star Wars Story was marred by rewrites and what was essentially close to a full reshoot, and his performance in the film is one of its only saving graces.
With a more focused script, I think his performance would have been hailed as one of the greatest recasts in Star Wars history. If Disney ever does want to bring Han Solo back again, I think it would be a shame not to let him take another swing at it.