The future of Star Wars holds another film featuring Rey, who will, as rumours go, attempt to rebuild the Jedi order from scratch.
There’s no indication of whether the film will be officially titled Episode 10, however if it carries on the story of Rey, then we can already see fans dubbing it the 10th part of the Star Wars saga.
Rey will be making a comeback in an upcoming Star Wars film.
If you have a look at Reddit, you can already see fans ripping apart the potential of the film without seeing any details.
This comes after a listing was made on ProductionList, noting the title of the project currently to be Star Wars: Episode X - A New Beginning.
The film will be directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, and fans are roasting the concept and the continuation of Rey’s story.
“Rey going to a bunch of senate hearings and petitioning to get the government to pay for a new Jedi temple on Coruscant. She faces opposition when archive footage of the youngling massacre leaks on Star Wars TikTok," jokes vrsick06.
Another humorous reply comes from mrshandanar who says, “Somehow, the Death Star returned,” riffing off the return of Palpatine.
The fanbase weren’t pleased with the most recent film outing in the Star Wars franchise, and Remote-Moon takes aim at the sequel trilogy, noting, “I sure as hell hope they have an actual story planned out for three films instead of just making it up as they go.”
Others don’t want to see Rey return, like this Redditor, who comments, “It actually bothers me so much that they f**ked up Luke’s story just to pass off the plot points he should’ve got, to Rey.”
It’s not looking good from the perspective of these fans, who will likely skip the next episode entirely.
It’s worth taking the actual information with a pinch of salt until Disney begins discussing the film publicly.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film, Disney