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Splinter Cell new-gen fan remake looks stunning

Splinter Cell new-gen fan remake looks stunning

After years of nothing, fans have taken the fate of the Splinter Cell series into their own hands

Despite the lack of Splinter Cell news, fans are still ferverently waiting for any new content surrounding the game. Now, a modder has made an RTX mod for the game that shows what the upcoming remake could look like.

The current state of the game can be seen in a YouTube video uploaded by the modder, but for those unable to watch, it shows a rather good looking area being explored by Sam Fisher, the protagonist of the Splinter Cell series of games. The mod itself is for the original game, but is currently unavailable for download, due to the fact it isn't actually finished, and still requires a lot of work before the developer is actually able to put it online for fans to get their hands on and test out.

The first game in the series, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, originally released in 2002, and was released as an Xbox exclusive originally, before later being ported to PC, PlayStation 2, GameCube and the Game Boy Advance. Over the course of a decade, seven games were released in the series, with the latest game being Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist in 2013.

The most movement that the series has seen in recent years was in 2021, with developer and publisher Ubisoft revealing that they were in the process of developing a remake of the first game in the series. Since that reveal, however, the only real news has been that the director of the title, David Grivel, left Ubisoft in 2022. However, as noted by InsiderGaming in April of this year, the official Ubisoft Toronto Facebook page changed both their header image and their profile image to represent Sam Fisher, the main character from Splinter Cell, suggesting that news from the game could be coming sooner rather than later. Perhaps we'll see the game at the upcoming Ubisoft Forward next month, or perhaps it'll be yet another case of Splinter Cell fans getting their hopes up for nothing.

Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft

Topics: Splinter Cell