Spider-Man fans aren’t too happy with the latest Spidey-related offering, and after mulling it over myself… I kind of get why they’re upset.
Thank you in advance to Logan Moore over on Comicbook for the original source!
It was leaked last week that some Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse skins would be coming to Fortnite soon, which naturally made a lot of Marvel fans pretty hyped.
Earlier today, Twitter user @ShiinaBR finally posted our first look at the skins and one of the available options has made a lot of players pretty mad.
The skin in particular that’s upsetting folks is the Peter B. Parker one, but it’s probably not obvious to non-Fortnite fans as to why it’s ticking people off.
The issue mostly lies in people’s expectations for the skin, following the aforementioned leaks.
The problem is that there has only actually ever been one proper, genuine Peter Parker Spidey skin in Fortnite - and the only way to get it was by claiming it through the Chapter 3: Season 1 Battle Pass back in 2021.
This skin has never been re-released since, so basically if you didn’t manage to grab it three years ago then, unfortunately, there’s no way for you to actually get it now.
A lot of players were hoping that the Peter B. Parker skin would be something more akin to a standard Spider-Man suit, but instead… what they ended up getting was a maskless Spidey sporting a pink bathrobe.
Now, I think the issue here might lie in some licencing rights.
A lot of the Marvel skins that showed up in previous battle passes have never reappeared in the shop, assumedly because it might require Epic to sort out a new deal with Disney to do so.
But hey, at least that Spider-Man Noir outfit looks clean.
Topics: Spider Man, Marvel, Disney, Fortnite, Epic Games