Typical. You wait centuries for Dragonborn to arrive, and three show up at once.
Anyone who's played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will know that the plot heavily revolves around the player learning what it means to be Dragonborn. For much of the game, we're led to believe we're the last of our kind.
Of course, the excellent Dragonborn DLC expansion shows us that's very much not the case. Players can travel to the island of Solstheim, where they'll discover that Miraak, first of the Dragonborn, is plotting his return - and the end of the world.
But as it turns out, there's a third Dragonborn that's been hiding in the game this entire time. We just never noticed the poor little guy.
As pointed out by JimmyTheNephilim on Reddit, you can meet the eligible Dragonborn Number Three in the Halls of Sovngarde towards the end of the main storyline. In this, the Skyrim equivalent of Valhalla, you can meet with glorious and noble heroes of days gone by. Among these mighty figures you'll find a character known only as "Hero Of Sovngarde", who tells you that he shares the honour of being Dragonborn.
What's particularly interesting about this is that we're led to assume that this Hero Of Sovngarde is many centuries older than the player, even older than Miraak. This means that either Miraak or the Hero Of Sovngarde was lying about being the first of the Dragonborn - and I don't think they let liars into Sovngarde.
Unfortunately, you don't get much more out of the ghostly hero beyond a few brief lines of dialogue. A shame. It'd be pretty cool to learn about the fascinating history of past Dragonborn and their adventures directly from one of the heroes that lived it, right?
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls