If you’re the type of player that likes staying on the right side of morality, this side quest ending is worth seeking out.
RPGs give you the freedom to not only create your own character, but also decide who your character really is on the inside, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is no exception.
One can only imagine the choices we’ll have in The Elder Scrolls VI, not just with visual customisation but the choices we’ll be able to make throughout the story as well.
For those who like to play Skyrim like a true hero, there are several good deeds you can do to keep yourself on the side of good, like sparing our beloved dragon friend Paarthurnax, for example.
Another example comes from Reddit, with user Kaiju-Man257 learning of a secret “good ending” for the quest 'House of Horrors'.
In their post, they explain that those who like to play Skyrim as a “morally good character” can “defy Molag Bal by killing Logrolf after rescuing him. It fails the quest, but on the bright side, you went against the Daedric Prince and didn’t let him make you his new champion. I always assumed Logrolf was essential until Molag trapped him, but I guess not".
It’s a neat secret, just a shame it’s not tied into the actual quest and results in you failing it instead.
That said, if you're not bothered about 100% completion, completing a quest is just ticking off a box anyway, so in many ways you can do what you like.
There are actually several quests in Skyrim that have different outcomes depending on what action you take, many of which aren’t directly communicated to the player and rely on some critical thinking.
If that’s something that interests you, I’d recommend checking out Baldur’s Gate 3 if you haven’t already, as that’s a game that rewards you for thinking like an actual person rather than a video game character.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda