Over the years, the Resident Evil series is one that’s experimented with basically every camera angle imaginable. From the classic fixed camera era, which evolved into third-person, and the more modern first-person titles, we’ve experienced our spooks in pretty much every way possible.
It’s understandable then, that with a series that’s seen so many fundamental changes, fans are going to have their preferences when it comes to getting their dose of horror. The 2019 remake of Resident Evil 2 released as a third-person game, but fans have made it possible for you to experience the whole thing directly through the eyes of any of the playable characters.
Resident Evil has changed a lot over the years - check out its full evolution below.
As reported by DSOGaming, modders have developed and refined a first-person mod, so anyone who got into the series with Resident Evil Village and decided that, “yes, this is objectively the best way to play these games”, is covered. The original mod was developed by Praydog back in 2019, but now, another person, who goes by Ashok, has made some additions which smooth out and stabilise the walking animations, so you’re not going to feel seasick while you’re moving about. You can download the first-person mod here, and the stabilisation add-on here.
This isn’t the only recent fan project which allows you to experience the games from different perspectives. Last month, one Reddit user made it possible to play Resident Evil Village with the original fixed-camera setup, which is as terrifying as it is nostalgic. Although it doesn’t run completely perfectly, it’s still so cool to see what the game could have looked like if Capcom went for a more traditional approach.
In other Resident Evil news, in case you missed it, it’s been confirmed that Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 7 are all getting remastered for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. While we don’t know at the moment exactly what these remasters will consist of, they’re set to include a whole host of visual improvements, as you’d expect. They’re scheduled for release later this year, and will be available for free if you already owned them on PS4 or Xbox One - PC users are also set to get a free upgrade patch. Exciting times for those craving some nightmare fuel.
Topics: Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil, Capcom, Mods